The City as a Lab – training program con el WB – Aalto – Barcelona y muchos otros
Estas últimas semanas hemos estado preparando muchas cosas alrededor de la Smart City Expo. Pero entre ellas una ha centrado nuestra atención.
Es un training program de una semana de duración que hacemos juntamente con el World Bank, la Universidad Finlandesa de Aalto y la Ciudad de Barcelona. Es un programa donde tenemos la suerte de contar con la colaboración de mucha gente de Barcelona y de fuera sin la cual sería imposible, entre ellos Anteverdi, CitiLab, BcnLab, Urban Lab, FabLab, Ateneus de Fabricació y Barcelona Activa.
Es uno de los programas de los que estamos más orgullosos, sus objetivos son:
Transmit and discuss key ideas and strategies around Open Innovation in cities, particularly on the management of public-private ecosystems with a mix of actors that compete and collaborate, for profit and non-for-profit, large corporations and individual developers or ordinary citizens.
Develop a how-to competence in the co-creation of projects using Design Thinking methodologies through cases selected and provided by the participants that will be developed in deep through the whole 5 day program.
Provide a hands-on experience with leading examples of Open Innovation organizations in Europe through visits, presentations that engage with the themes and workshops on how to translate this experience to the environment of participants.
Meet and network with key leaders in the European scene on Open Innovation in the Public Sector, not only from Barcelona but also from the rest of Europe through in deep dialogues and opportunities for informal discussions around coffee breaks, dinners and networking exercises.
Y los temas en los que se centra:
Smart City Models. Smart Cities is a very polyedric concept that has different views depending in different cultures and areas of the world. In this section we will take a look at these different views with an special emphasis to the ones that the World Bank is promoting in developing countries and the model of Barcelona together with experiences around the world. These views will be summarized with the Open Innovation model and how it can trigger a change in local administrations.
Civic Engagement. Smart Cities need Smart Citizens, then engaging citizens is a must for any Smart City initiative. Living Labs is one of the most recent methodologies for innovating in real-life spaces involving users, researchers, business and policymakers. We will discuss the methodology in depth together with some of the most relevant implementations. A visit to “Ateneus de Fabricació” our most recent example of Civic Engagement in Barcelona will provide the hands-on experience for this session.
Innovation Ecosystems. Smart Cities have to mobilize the full potential of the civic society, CityHalls cannot build Smart Cities alone. How to engage, collaborate, create and sustain structures that provide structure and governance to these ecosystems are necessary building blocks for Smart Cities. An in-depth visit to CitiLab the most relevant example of citizen Living Lab in Barcelona together with a workshop on possible implementations of CitiLabs will complement the theoretical session.
Open Data, Big Data and Open Code. Open Data is possibly the best well-known example of ecosystems in the Public Sector. Here we will look at deep on the current state of Open Data, the different ways to address it, ecosystem failures and ways to alleviate or solve them together with a walk through a concrete implementation: apps4bcn. We will use this day to have a look at the Urban Labs projects in the city.
Open Hardware for Open Innovation. Developing countries with a strong collaborative and sharing economy have the tools to take advantage of the decentralize model that novel developments in energy and mobile propose. These infrastructures provide a source of important competitive advantage to the communities that enjoy them. We will focus on three areas: wifi&fiber, sensors and makers/3D printing.
Hay muchas más cosas, como comidas networking, etc… y en particular un track de desarrollo de iniciativas propias de los participantes. Para aquellos que esteis interesados aquí teneis el programa.